Hal O’Leary Legacy Giving Club

THE HAL O’LEARY LEGACY GIVING CLUB Honors Individuals that have supported the National Sports Center for The Disabled through a future gift in their will. Hal believed in providing opportunities for kids and adults with disabilities to access the great outdoors. Hal believed that everyone is able, and anything was possible. His forward thinking helped to launch the NSCD over 50 years ago and opened up the world of adaptive sports since then.

The Hal O’Leary Legacy Club gifts help to fund the mission of advancing the power of people with all abilities through adaptive innovation and the joy of recreation and outdoor experiences.
The Hal O’Leary Legacy Giving Program honors individuals that have supported the NSCD through estate planned giving. Hal believed in providing access for kids and adults with disabilities to Colorado’s outdoors. Hal believed that everyone is able and anything is possible. From the first time Hal helped 23 amputees learn to ski in 1970, he shattered pre-conceived notions and dispelled beliefs allowing all people to live their best lives.
In June 2021, Hal O’Leary passed away at the age of ninety-four. You can help keep Hal’s dream alive and ensure the NSCD is able to continue as a leader in adaptive experiences for generations to come.

Club Benefits:

  • Name on the Hal O’Leary Legacy Giving Club plaque located in the NSCD program office in Winter Park
  • Name included on NSCD website
  • Special invite to NSCD events like Wells Fargo Ski Cup or Corks and Forks
  • Exclusive invite to the Major Donor and Legacy Giving Club Donor Appreciation Party
  • Potential tax benefits from your gift (please contact your tax advisor to understand the full benefits of your gift)

Here’s just a few ways you join the Hal O’Leary Legacy Giving Program:


Bequests (Will or Living Trust)

Naming the NSCD allows for future changes, preserves financial control over your assets and reduces the taxes paid to the government through the estate. Through a provision in your written and executed will, you can make a gift in the form of cash, securities, real estate or personal property

Beneficiary Gifts (Retirement Accounts)

Naming the NSCD as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan asset such as a 401(k), 403(b), IRA, profit-sharing pension plans, or other donor-advised funds will accomplish a charitable goal while realizing significant tax savings.

Charitable Gift Annuity

You can turn underperforming assets (stock, cash in a savings account, CDs, savings bonds, etc.) into a gift to the NSCD that provides income to you. Your charitable gift annuity will give you quarterly, fixed payments for life and tax benefits too.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Allows you as the donor to receive an income stream from the trust for a term of years or for life and the NSCD receives the remaining trust assets at the end of the trust term.

Gifts of Property (Real Estate and Other Valuable)

Like stock, the fair market value of gifts of appreciated assets such as real estate, artwork, and other well-curated collections, can be deducted from your income tax today and reduce your estate taxes in the future.

Future Gift Confirmation Form

Give a gift and join a unique club of people like Hal that believe in the power of adaptive outdoor recreation.  Letting the NSCD know that you have included us in your estate plans helps us to honor and thank you appropriately during your lifetime.

Please let us know about your gift intentions today by completing this form.

Legacy gifts are placed in a Board of Trustees fund and used to support the financial health or program development of the NSCD. Funds may or may not be spent down annually depending on the needs of the organization.


Hal O’ Leary Legacy Giving Club Members

Glenn Rodriguez Allen Breukelman
Danny and Chris Pufpaff Vonnie and Hartley Thomas
Gary and Sandy Neale Kaycie LaRock Artus
Dr. Jeff Cain Dave and Christine Holm
Ron and Libby Johnson Shaun and Richard Gleason